General Description: Quasi-literate folk-pop, singer/songwriter type stuff. * Fallin' Blue Rain: Jazz-chord laced breakup ballad about what it's like to move on while moving to the East coast. I've never done this, but that's what it's about. * Holstein Rebellion: If Gary Larson had been a songwriter... * Penn Station Subway: An encounter with the down-and-out in a New York subway. Words adapted from a Marilyn Nelson poem. * Long Time Waitin': Simple folk-like ballad about hope deferred. * To Be Sung on the Water: An attempt at depth, insight, and the personal poetics of finding your place & yourself in a shifting world. * 12!: Minimalist academic/ambient piano experiment with variations on a 12 note theme. Probably most fun for closet Steve Reich fans, though perhaps not so strictly academic. Licensing: All songs above (c) 2000-2003 by Weston Cann. You can make and distribute copies freely for your own use and for the use of friends, *provided you include this notice*. You may not charge for copies. All other rights reserved, but contact me ( if you have any other uses in mind. Feel free to send comments, criticisms, praise, donations, etc, and keep up with the latest at Mining Song and Librarian (c) 2000-2001 by Damon Cann. Similar licensing applies. Penn Station Subway (c) 2001 by Weston Cann and Marilyn Nelson.